Butlletí de l'IDHC

Subscriu-te ara

Agenda i calendari d'actes

Curs de drets humans per al Tercer Sector: De l’acció local a la internacional

29/04/2024 al 27/05/2024


Sessions virtuals:
Sessions presencials: LaFede. c/ Tàpies 1. Barcelona

Curs virtual: Els conflictes des de l'enfocament de gènere. Impactes diferenciats, construcció de pau i accés a mecanismes internacionals de protecció (6a edició)

06/05/2024 al 31/05/2024


Llindars de dignitat. Explorant els estàndards mínims dels Drets Econòmics, Socials i Culturals en un context de crisi ecosocial

15/05/2024 al 05/06/2024

UPF. Campus Ciutadella. Aula 13.002 | Barcelona

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A l'IDHC treballem per fer avançar l'història del drets humans. Una història en la que totes i tots nosaltres tenim un paper a jugar.

En vols formar part?

Incidència | Dimarts, 17 de juny de 2008

Un atac violent contra el destacat defensor dels drets humans sahrauís, Dadach Sidi Mohammad


Un atac violent contra el destacat defensor dels drets humans sahrauís, Dadach Sidi Mohammad

Sidi Mohamed Dadach (51 anys), el destacat defensor dels drets humans i l'amo Premi Rafto el 2002, i el president del Comitè de Suport a l'autodeterminació del poble sahrauí, va ser sotmès a una brutal agressió a la matinada del 17 de juny, 2008. Quant al Sr. Dadach va sortir de la casa d'un defensor dels drets humans al barri Ezzamla a El Aaiun, va ser sorprès per un grup d'agents de la policia marroquina de paisà que el van atacar i el van torturar per complet a la via pública. Dadach estava en una casa on ell i molts altres sahrauís s'estaven preparant per a la recepció de la defensora dels drets humans, Brahim Essabar després de la seva posada en llibertat el mateix dia.

Manifest en anglès:
Sidi Mohamed Dadach ( 51 years old), the prominent human rights defender and Rafto Award owner in 2002, and the president of the Support Committee to the Sahrawi people's self-determination, was subject ed to a brutal aggression in the early morning of June 17th, 2008. As soon as Mr. Dadach went out of a human rights defender's house in Ezzamla neighbourhood in El aaiun, he was surprised by a group of Moroccan police agents in plainclothes who attacked him and tortured him altogether in public street. Dadach was in a house where he and many other Sahrawis were preparing for the reception of the human rights defender, Brahim Essabar after this release the same day.

Sidi M. Dadach claims that he about 15 police agents participated in his torture and mistreatment (on the face and other parts of the body), which led to his falling down on earth before he was violently pulled by a police officer who looked into his pockets kicked him. Then Mr. Dadach was followed by the police agents throwing stones on him while he was fleeing away from them.

Mr. Dadach now is suffering from serious pain on his right ear, left arm, back and backbone. The secretariat of the CODESA, observing with worry and anxiety, the continuous process of the aggression of the Sahrawi population in general, and the human rights defenders in particular, by the Moroccan police agents, -declares its unconditioned solidarity with the Sahrawi human rights defender, Sidi Mohamed Dadach and all the other victims who were banned to see Brahim Essabbar after his release.

- Condemns the brutal attack against the Sahrawi citizens and their deprivation of expressing their joy for the release of their sons from prison.
- Calls the Moroccan state to respect human rights in the Western Sahara and stop the harassment and torture of the Sahrawi human rights defenders and all the Sahrawi
- Urges the Moroccan authorities to release all the Sahrawi political prisoners without any condition.

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C. Carrer Avinyó 44, 2n | 08002 Barcelona
T.: +34 93 119 03 72

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